The first evaporator for any kinds of samples occurring along all the steps of the Process Development: Optimization Studies, Scale up to Kilolabo and Quality Control method development.
The unique and innovative Rocket heating system is simply a water bath but with a difference : water is not liquid but vapour. The control of the temperature of the vapour is absolutely reliable because is only determined by the reduced pressure applied for boiling the water.
Our Rocket Synergy unit is waiting for you in our lab/workshop in Muttenz: book your Rocket Synergy demonstration soon and let’s work on your evaporation applications together!
What can we do together? We might process up to six samples at the same type,– up to 450mL each or a single batch (up to 100L) – containing organic solvent or aqueous solution with bp up to 160°C and different mixtures as HPLC fractions. We can also try the concentrations into vials using the special glassware Sample Genie® and Flip Flop ASE®..